Eric Goldman Website






I am an Assistant Professor at Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Previously, I was General Counsel of Epinions, Inc. in Brisbane, CA and, before that, a technology transactions and Internet lawyer at Cooley Godward LLP in Palo Alto, CA.



What’s New


·             I’ve launched my blogs: Technology and Marketing Law Blog and Goldman’s Observations

·             My Deregulating Relevancy article:  54 Emory L.J. 507

·             My virtual worlds article is in print


About Me




Cyberspace Law



Some additional resources for the class:



Intellectual Property and Copyright Law


·              Fall 2004 Intellectual Property syllabus, exam and sample answer

·              Spring 2004 Copyright seminar syllabus

·              Summer 2003 Intellectual Property syllabus, final exam and two high-scoring student answers (one and two)

·              Spring 2003 Copyright syllabus, exam and sample answer

·              2002 Copyright syllabus, exam and sample answer (taught at Boalt Hall School of Law)


Other class resources:

·              Updates to Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age

·              Examples of mutual and one-way NDAs

·              What ever happened to William Redmond?

·              Patent on Substance Dispensing Headgear (see the different implementations and order one yourself at  Slinky patent.  Other wacky patents.  Yet more silly patents

·              Original source materials underlying famous copyright cases (including the 2 Live Crew and George Harrison cases).  Materials related to the Arnstein case.  A great historical archive of the Betamax case.

·              Satava’s sculpture.  Lowry’s sculpture

·              Steinberg’s View of the World from 9th Avenue

·              The Nation’s The Ford Memoirs Behind the Nixon Pardon at issue in Harper & Row v. Nation

·              Journal of Catalysis (examples of articles)

·              Fair Use cheat sheet

·              Joe Cartoon and People Eating Tasty Animals

·              Gary Saderup’s art prints page

·              Brief note on email lists you might use in a copyright law practice



Contracts and Contract Drafting/Licensing


·              Spring 2005 Contract Drafting syllabus

·              2003 Contracts syllabus, exam and sample answer


Other class resources:

·              Sample exam questions and student answers with my comments

·              Notes on contract remedies

·              Notes on ethics rules applicable to a practice in contract law

·              Discussion about the Bachelor contract

·              Contract Drafting Checklists

·              IP License grants


·              Baby M contracts

·              Videos of Pepsi commercial at issue in Leonard v. Pepsico.  Leonard’s original complaint.  Harrier jet specifications

·              Carbolic Smoke Ball patent

·              Photo of the Hadley mill

·              Picture of one of the Peerless ships

·              Settlement of Kemp/Reebok lawsuit

·              Photos of Walker-Thomas Furniture Store

·              Photo of the building at issue in Lenawee County v. Messerly

·              Biography and photo of Earl McGowin



Legal Ethics


·              2005 syllabus

·              2004 syllabus, exam and sample answer

·              2002 syllabus, exam and sample answer


Other class resources:

·              Model Rules of Professional Conduct

·              A sample exam

·              Some supplemental readings



Other Legal Resources


Some pages with additional legal resources.


·              Online Service Provider/47 USC 230

·              Online Contracts

·              Spyware/Adware

·              Initial Interest Confusion.  Outlines #1 and #2 on presentations about initial interest confusion

·              Hot News Misappropriation

·              My recipe for drafting a privacy policy and some overheads summarizing US online privacy

·              An archive of my table of cyberspace cases and statutes (last major update was in 2003)



Other Resources


·              A note about the Milwaukee vegetarian restaurant scene

·              Some personal perspectives about applying to become a law professor

·              Tips for taking law school exams



Hiking and Traveling


In my leisure time, I like to hike, but only when I have a goal (typical Type A).  Since 1990, I have been working on a goal to climb 100 peaks on the Sierra Club’s Angeles Chapter Hundred Peaks Section list.  Check my progress.


I like to write about traveling, especially from the perspective of a vegetarian hiker.  Some of my opinions at Epinions on various travel/hiking destinations:


State/National Parks

·              Calaveras Big Trees State Park

·              Channel Islands National Park (Anacapa Islands)

·              Death Valley National Park

·              Hendy Woods State Park

·              Jug Handle State Reserve

·              Lassen National Park

·              Lava Beds National Monument

·              Mendocino Headlands State Park

·              Mojave National Preserve

·              Montgomery Woods State Reserve

·              Pike Lake Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest (Wisconsin)

·              Pinnacles National Monument

·              Providence Mountain State Recreation Area

·              Russian Gulch State Park

·              Trinity Alps Wilderness


Destinations and Lodging

·              Alaska Marine Highway

·              Costanoa Coastal Camp and Lodge

·              Mendocino

·              Murphys (Gold Country)

·              Nome, Alaska

·              Santa Barbara

·              Ventana Campground

·              Watson Lake, Yukon





My slinky passion started in 1994.  I used to have a smaller-than-normal slinky in my car that I purchased at Pic-n-Save (now known as Biglots).  On one of our first dates, Lisa played with it and permanently tweaked it.  I gave her a guilt trip about destroying my slinky.  She tried to find an identical slinky to the one she tweaked, but the shape proved difficult to find.  This launched a mission to find “odd” shaped slinkies, an obsession that has branched out to other Slinky paraphernalia.  We now have hundreds of other Slinky items, and we have finally inventoried our collection.  Photos of the collection: broad overview; closer overview of plastic and metal slinkies; rainbow slinkies; novelty slinkies; metal slinkies; plastic slinkies; closer overview of plush and pull-toys; slinky pets; slinky dogs; older slinky novelties; keychains; unusual miscellaneous pieces.  At Epinions, I’ve written reviews on slinkies generally, the Slinky Extreme, the Super Slinky, and why slinkies are good gifts for executives. 


Most people who know me believe that I am the world’s biggest slinky fanatic.  However, I’ve found a Milwaukee-area collector who may very well top me! 


See the original slinky patent.



Contact Me


Eric Goldman

Marquette University Law School

PO Box 1881

Milwaukee, WI  53201-1881

Phone: (414) 288-5232

Fax: (414) 288-6403


Personal Home Page:



This web page was last updated 9/7/2005